Sunday, March 04, 2007

Nothing is Too Good to Be True

The open secret is that there is nothing but good news, nothing but the Infinite Good. All of the rest is just stuff that we didn’t want and thought was necessary or inevitable. All of the so-called evil in the world was just self-doubt, ignorance and confusion. “What we feared came upon us” and now fear is over.

Within five years all of the after-effects of fear will disappear like the morning fog is burned off by the sun. I see peace reigning, people living well, universities everywhere, healing and health flourishing. I see children laughing, the forests replanted, the oceans restored, the rivers and air cleaned, and free universal energy everywhere on the planet.

My vision for a new world is FREE UNIVERSAL ENERGY. Every home, business, school, vehicle, playground. factory and infra-structure in every country will have universal free energy. The world community will focus its economy around universal free energy. Leaders will be elected who focus upon a talent-development, universal free energy, health, and peace-keeping. Everyone will be able to develop their talents and share them with everyone else. No one will be excluded from skills-development.

Money no longer used for war will be used for universal free energy and talent-development. Teachers, coaches, instructors, healers, researchers, and craft- masters will be the highest paid professions. Every craft will have the support of the governments, universities and businesses of the world to develop quality products and services. In every village, town city and nation, there will be support and recognition for excellence in the arts, humanities, sciences, therapies, states, and crafts.

My vision counts and so does yours. Nothing is too good to be true. Why settle for less?


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