Monday, January 29, 2007

Become a Dreamer

How many more wars will it take for us to get to the place where we can question the use of war to end war? Force to end force? Insecurity to end insecurity? Blame to end blame? I don’t know. But in the meantime, we continue to use the same old ego methods, hoping that war will be profitable and worthwhile. $500 to $600 billion on Iraq doesn’t sound cheap to me. Maybe some of our advisors feel that we will eventually get enough oil revenue to put us in the black. How about just $100 billion for Free Energy Research? What if every oil company put 20% of their profits into Universal Free Energy research? Would that pay off? Probably not in next quarters’ reports. Are we going to let the whole ship sink? The whole planet be depleted? Obviously we can’t leave it up to the oil industry alone to make this decision.

Why should the oil industry put themselves out of business? I’ll tell you why: they can switch businesses! Who else could better do it than the people in the business. We don’t have a choice to remain the same any longer. Business as usual is over. Change or die. Change or poison the planet? Change or starve our grandchildren. Change or atrophy? Change or go broke!

The economic motive is all that will change us. The ego system runs on money. There is no use to talk about anything but money. Of course, money is energy, but it is not the source of energy. Health is also energy, but the body is not the source of energy. Creativity is energy and imagination is the source of energy. Let’s use imagination to make this huge paradigm shift. 1/10 of one percent would do it easily. Even 100,000 people could do it! That is a very small part of the planet, probably 1/60000 of our population. So let’s say “Let there be Universal Free Energy! “

I deal with warring couples all the time. They won’t stop warring until they realize that they are defeating themselves. It only takes one, however, to end the war. It takes two to tango and one to end it. You always have to begin with one. So let us begin with ourselves, with our mindset, with our national ego. In the U.S. it would only take 1% or 250,000 people to do it. Surely we can get 1% to agree to stop our self-destructive habits. All we have to do is to stop criticizing, complaining about, accusing, blaming, threatening, punishing and bribing our “enemy” just as it does in the family, in schools or in business. All we have to do is listen, be supportive, forgive, accept, negotiate, appreciate, and show respect to our fellow anxious friends. They are just as anxious and uptight as we are. They are just as habit-prone as we are. They are just as afraid to love as we are. They are just as nationally insecure as we are. They are just as defensive as we are. They are just as stretched financially as we are. They need universal free energy just as much as we do. They do just about anything to survive, just like we do. They are abusing their resources just as much as we are ours. They have just as many neuroses as we do. But none of it is true. There are no such people.

Its just like the patient said on the mental ward when asked how she like the people on the ward, and she said “there are no people here, just doctors, nurses and patients.“ In wars there are no people, just enemies, targets and collateral damage. In Iraqi car bombings, there are no atheists, Christians, or Mohammedans, just scared people who want to live and angry people who think it doesn’t matter.

To work on changing your own mind, you have to grow up, stop blaming, and become self-responsible about your thinking . Find out about your self-defeating story. Your prejudices. Your self doubt. Your ignorance of God and where god is. Your confusion about good and evil. Your blindness to the Infinite Good. Correct that thinking and wars will end. Universal Free Energy will arise.

•We have a small peace corps but very small compared to our war machine.
•How many schools, generals, and manuals for peace do we have?
•How many peace weapons do we manufacture?
•We have police forces, but do we have enough peace keepers?
•How big is our peace budget?
•How is the Central Intelligence Agency gathering evidence of peace efforts and rewarding peace-making.?
•How often do our police and correctional officers have time to find the strengths of its population instead of its faults?
•How much of our prison effort goes to rehabilitation and how much to punishment?
•How could our prison population help in the energy conversion process?

•How could our universities re-train people for new free energy technologies?

•How could our factories re-tool to build free energy units for every house and car in the world?

•How could we reward inventors who build smaller and better free energy devices?

•How could the wealth of the world be used to re-plant our forests, clean up our oceans and rivers, purify our air?

•With no more use of fossil-fuels, that might help our air and water quality

•Waste products could be used for energy purpose and not dumped on the soil and in the rivers.

•Composting would replace landfills.

•Factories with energy devices would no longer pour smoke into the air.

•Freighters would no longer transport oil.

•Oil spills and wildlife problems would disappear.

•Pipelines would no longer be needed to transport oil, gas and propane.

•Workers would be needed all over the globe to manufacture, distribute and repair energy devices.

•Universities would educate and train these workers.

•The internet and cellphone would be used to transmit this energy information all over the world instantaneously.

•Every country would have its own role to play in this giant teamwork effort.

•The diseased and hungry of the world would get the attention they need.

•Natural disasters would decrease due to our close work with nature.

•Countries and families experiencing any remaining disasters would be given immediate world and local attention.

•The rich would help the poor and the poor would help the rich. Every team member is as important as every other.

•Quality products and services would become the world standard

•The more educated would help the less educated, and the laborers would help the office people.

•Armies would become peace-makers.

•Hospitals and prisons would be used to educate the entire global community about how to change the human mind and increase creativity.

•Pharmaceutical companies would help us to find and use the most necessary natural foods, supplements, and better water and air.

•Doctors of all kinds would offer psychological and spiritual help to their patients.

•Churches would become spiritually supportive to all other professionals.

•Scientists would continue to refine our energy machines and energy conversion knowledge.

•Politicians would make sure that the nations’ monies are being used for the people’s needs and not for war and personal advantage.

•Drug trafficking for survival would be replaced by energy sharing for everyone.

•The youth of the world would no longer be wasting their energies on the street corners.

•All gangs would be assigned meaningful tasks, and educated to use their street smarts for everyone.

•Every family would be taught dream interpretation and dream sharing techniques.

•Creativity would be rewarded in the schools and not just rote memory.

•Art and music would be considered spiritual and inspirational gifts to be supported by the government.

•Whole communities would be encouraged to do Tai Chi exercises every morning and trained in yoga for their at home exercise.

•Proper breathing and meditation classes would be offered in all schools.

•Bibles of all religions would be taught in the schools and universities.

•Youth would be encouraged to visit other countries for part of their education.

•Every youth would have the opportunity to join a peace core in a country of their choice for two years.

•Classes in communication would be taught to every family, married couple, and parents.

•Spiritual psychotherapy would be offered to anyone encountering difficulties.

Dreams, huh? We have to dream before we can materialize our dreams. We have been dreaming war far too long. We have been dreaming mere survival far too long. God wants us to dream big and dream for all. God is behind and in our dreaming. God is our dreaming. God is our imagination.

We have dreamed far too small. We have dreamed insecurity far too long. We have dreamed of lack and weakness for far too long. As I get it, God wants to have heaven on earth. Everything has been supplied for that to happen. If we don’t do it soon, we will lose that opportunity due to our own neglect, short-sightedness, ignorance and small dreaming. Small dreaming is our problem.

Jesus was the world’s biggest dreamer. He dreamed that everyone could rise to his height, and match his reach. He dreamed of heaven on earth, and of one mankind. He dreamed of every man becoming the god that he is. He dreamed of resurrection for everyone. He dreamed of bringing the good news to everyone, healing everyone, casting out everyone’s demons, healing everyone’s blindness, setting everyone free, and raising everyone’s deadness. He dreamed of end of prejudice, of the care of the children, and of equal rights for women. He dreamed of the end of poverty and hunger. He dreamed of no more tears, no more envy, no more jealousy, no more wars. He gave his life for his dreams, and he is still here to guarantee that they come true.


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