Monday, January 29, 2007

A 5-Year Project

Suppose we set up a five year project so that by 2012 we have Universal Free Energy in operation. One presidential term would do it, if we had the wholehearted goal of enlisting the energy of all nations. All the religions, sciences, businessmen, educators and statesmen would be invited to focus their attention on Universal Free Energy. Panels of experts would meet in every country and university to discuss their research monthly. Each meeting would begin with a prayer in order to tap into the Source of all things. When there are mistakes, we will learn from them. For once in the history of the world, we would share a common goal, with all differences becoming the servant of this goal. All nationalisms, sectarians and scientisms would have to be sacrificed on the altar of a united vision. Who will take the lead? It is bigger than all of us, so we will all have to lead and at the same time follow.

There would have to be a phasing out of weaponry in order to phase in energy experiments and research. Would there be enough nations involved to monitor those who might try to take advantage? Would some build up their nuclear power secretly in the hopes of over-powering the others? Who would trust who? Who would enforce the rules needed for such a trusting project?

Would a united police force be needed for such a big project? Or, could we get by for four years upon the good will of the nations? Could we be non-paranoid enough to survive conspiracy theories and do the work needed? Are there enough grown-ups in the world to self-govern ourselves? Are we adult up enough to be the leaders in such a project when we cannot even get bi-partisanship in our own congress? I don’t think we have ever had an all-consuming vision where everyone wins.

What could anyone possibly lose if such a project succeeded? Our national egos could fear a loss of control and a loss of power. However, if there is more to gain than to lose, are we capable of such a level of trust? Are there 100 such nations that could grasp the potential of such a challenge? How about 50? How about 10?

Could ten nations find the maturity and vision to commit to such a project? Would ten be enough? Would the quality of the ten be more important than their size? Which ten would you be willing to partner with for the future of the human race? I don’t believe that our future looks more than about a 2 on a scale of 10 if we don’t find out how to do Universal Free Energy in the next four years. Things are closing in. Suspicion and killing are not working.

60-second Meditations at 6 a.m. and 12 noon, EST

I am holding a 60 second meditation program every morning at 6 a.m. EST and at high noon for 60 seconds, on Universal Free Energy. I am focusing on various symbols of this amazing idea. Please feel free to find your own Free Energy Symbol. At this time my symbol is a vital river flowing down out of the mountains, washing over me and the earth. I also like the musical notes on the website. Please let me know what symbols you choose, and send me a copy to put on our blog.

A picture is worth 1000 words. Let’s go for the most powerful symbols we can find. We have been imagining weapons, bombs, killing and conquering for lifetimes. Let’s shift now to symbols of healing, peace, prosperity, and flowing love. Your meditation will count. One high energy symbol will counteract 100 low energy symbols. Terror is a very low energy symbol. During every newscast, lets imagine forgiveness, hope, peace and healing, using our symbols .

I like the Infinity sign. I like seeing gold coins falling from the sky. I like seeds of wisdom showering all about us. I like the rays of the sun re-vitalizing us. I like the Christ or the Buddha figures supporting and blessing us.

Let’s meet at 6 a.m. every morning for 60 seconds, and at 12 noon for 60 seconds, that’s all. Let’s imagine our service personnel coming home and joining Uncle Sam’s new army of Free Energy Warriors.

Do our thoughts matter? Thoughts matter. Thoughts materialize. Thoughts take form. That’s why we have wars, due to our thoughts. The fastest thing we can change is our thoughts. Keeping them focused is the work. We tend to be jerked about by the thoughts of others. Thought-focusing take discipline, but thoughts do matter and do materialize.

Let us hold no more evil thoughts, none. Transform them to constructive thoughts immediately. In all of our relationships, let us think truth only. See only the good. See only the Infinite Good. Hold no thought in your mind that you do not want to come true, because it will. God created the world by thought, by imagination, by words, and so do we. What an enormous power we have!

William Blake had it right when he said: “What have I said, what have I done, O all powerful human words!”

Energy is eternal delight.
William Blake
I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me.
William Blake
Energy and persistence conquer all things.
Benjamin Franklin
Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
Corina Kent
Crime is naught but misdirected energy.
Corita Kent

So in this imaginal work on Universal Free Energy, let us feel free to use the word “God”. If you don’t like the word “God” just use the word “Good” or better still “Infinite Good”. Or, “Universal Free Energy” Or “Source” They are all the same. Whatever we call IT, we have to consistently draw up this resource beyond all of our ego strategies if we are to realize Universal Free Energy. You can’t have Universal Free Energy just for yourself. There is no such animal as “just yourself” anyway. We all sink or swim together, which should be obvious by now. Your loss is my loss, your gain is my gain. That is the Law. All lesser laws are just man-made amplifications or perversions of the One Law of the Infinite Good.
To encourage us in our search for the power to realize Universal Free Energy, read the words of William Blake:

What is now proved was once only imagined.
You are forgiven for your happiness and your successes only if you generously consent to share them.
If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
The man who never in his mind and thoughts travel'd to heaven is no artist.
The eye altering, alters all
If a thing loves, it is infinite.
Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.
Do what you will, this world's a fiction and is made up of contradiction
The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness.

Whatever story you are running in your mind right now, short of Universal Free Energy, will show up as stressful or anxiety-producing so that you can own it and drop it.

Some scientists claim to already have free energy devices, but say that there are political forces which continually destroy their work, their credibility and their funding sources. They say that Free energy is not allowed in this country. They say that law enforcement is used to control and prevent these changes. They say that their Free energy devices are confiscated and destroyed.

No doubt we should expect quacks, rip-offs, charades, and fakes on the one side and sharks from big business and governments on the other. We should expect big brothers to be protecting “national security,” and the loss of control over vested interests. Let us be aware that oil and power monopolies and interests are very powerful and think they have much to lose and much to protect. But let us also be aware that such protection is no longer going to work. Vested interests are going to sink this ship. There will be nothing to hoard and nowhere to keep it. The jig is up.

If we do not step up to the plate with courage and vision, we are going to lose anyway. We have no guarantees for the next five years. Things are moving 100 times faster now than ever before. The apocalypse is just about here. Business as usual is a fantasy. Everything is going to change. We still have time to influence the direction of that change. Many visionaries are telling us that we only have until December, 2012, to make those changes.

Society is in for a Big Shift. We are being torn apart with all of our contradictory and ambivalent violence-prone fears. We cannot force people into democracy, can we? We cannot force freedom, can we? But could we offer Universal Free Energy as a uniting paradigm! What do we have to lose?

There is no doubt that massive job changes would occur if Universal Free Energy became our central focus, but there are going to be massive job changes anyway. We would have to go through a lot of insecurity fears, but we will anyway. The shake-ups have just begun. We need a vision big enough to make these shake-ups meaningful, bearable and profitable. Universal Free Energy is that vision.
Your ideas are welcome on our Universal Free Energy blog. Please tell me why we can’t do it, why we must do it, and how we can do it. What we need are some new ideas!

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo

The Space Age was an idea whose time had come. Global Change was an idea whose time had come. Ending Hunger, Peaceful Divorce, and Solar Power Satellites are other ideas whose time has come. Anxiety as a Friend is an idea whose time has come. The Infinite Good is an idea whose time has come. Universal Free Energy is an idea whose time is now coming.


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