How to Get What you Really Want: Universal Free Energy
How to get what you want is a very tricky question.
It is the question implied in every sales pitch in the book. Every huckster in the market place sells his product to fulfill your needs and desires, right? If you don’t already have such a wish or dream, the product will create it for you. The market place creates needs and promises to fulfill them.
Madison Avenue teaches us via the media that we are lacking in some way and that we can become more attractive, happier, healthier, richer, and more influential by following their offering. Ecstasy creates a demand for ecstasy. Super cars create the idea of super driving. Fast foods create the idea of saving time. Super pills create the idea of super health. Super sex creates the idea of super pleasure.
“How to get what you want” implies that you don’t have what you want. You are lacking. You are deprived. You have needs. You have unfulfilled desires. You are set up for codependency. Codependency makes you an easy mark for any sales pitch.
How to get what you want, or how to get rid of what you don’t want. That’s what money and relationships are all about, right? The more we have, the more we want, right? We are sitting ducks. We love it and we hate it.
Money then becomes the #1 way to get what you want. Without money, you cannot get what you want. This is a consumer world. You can’t keep warm, get fed, get a job, get an education, or even have a date without money and a car. And now a cell-phone. Isn’t it wonderful! So many exciting interesting things to want and to experience. Thousands of malls to shop in. Every imaginable product has been invented, with thousands more in the pipeline.
Get an education, get a job, make money, buy stuff and enjoy it, right? Go in style. Look good. Feel good. Get a face lift. Exercise. Do a make-over on your body or your house or your finances. What a marvelous time to live in! Work hard and you can have whatever you want. Isn’t that the American dream that has now overtaken the world?
Then why are we anxious? How could we not be anxious! You may not make it. You may lose it. In fact, it happens every day. Whew! So don’t tell me that it’s infinitely good to live in a world where you may not make it and where you will eventually lose it. You wouldn’t want life to be too predictable, too boring, too repeatable, would you?
If you had the power to invent the world of your choice, what would it be like? How would it be different from what you see now? Invent a perfect world. Give it a try. See what you can do. It’s what you are already doing anyway. Everyone is trying to invent a better mousetrap and make a better world. A fool-proof world. A failure-proof world. Every world-maker has his or her own ideas about paradise. God did a pretty lousy job of it. We could do better, right?
So give it a conscious try. Make it a better world. Do it right this time. Fix it. Improve it. That is our challenge, to get what we want. An anxiety-proof world. Go for it. I am absolutely sure that God is sitting in the bleachers cheering you on: “Go, team!”
Who says you can’t discover an infinite source of energy for every car and home on the globe. That would end all wars tomorrow, wouldn’t it? Most of the wars are over oil anyway. Nicola Tesla almost got the job done, but got cut out of the loop. Wilhelm Reich came in for a close second.
Surely there is another genius in the wings just waiting for a world that is ready to take the next step forward in evolution. Are we ready for paradise on earth? We can at least envision it, can’t we? What if you had an inexhaustible source of free energy in your house and car? Is that impossible? I believe we can do it. Surely if we can imagine it, we can do it. “Let there be light” worked once before, maybe it can work again. Yes, I’m a dreamer! We are all dreamers, so let’s dream big!
An inexhaustible source of free energy in every home and car. Is that so impossible? The sun is such a source. The stars are such sources. Galaxies are such sources. If I am the light of the world, am I not such a source also?
I want an inexhaustible source of free energy for every home and car on the globe. I am imagining that to be true. I am imagining that as our next step forward in human evolution. Anxiety tells me that if I can just tune into the Infinite Good, we can have what we want. Don’t you want an inexhaustible source of free energy in every home, car, school and business? Sure you do. Then why can’t we begin a collective imagination project to that effect! If all things are possible, why isn’t this one possible? This would be the shortest path to universal peace.
So why can’t we collectively imagine a path to peace by asking for what we want. God is free energy, isn’t He? Isn’t She? So how do we hook up with God-energy? If God-energy is the Infinite Good, and imagination is the route to manifestation, why don’t we ask for peace in this manner?
Let’s do a global manifestation event for peace! Free Energy for Everyone. Why not? Who says we can’t do that? If all things are possible with God, why can’t we just go all the way and ask for what we collectively want? Is God going to withhold Free Energy for Everyone? Why on earth would He do that? Would you give stones to your kids for breakfast?
Is Free Energy for Everyone an impossible dream, an impossible mission? Who can say what is possible and impossible? My God loves a challenge. My God is not afraid to tackle the impossible. My God specializes in the Impossible. My God promises to deliver the Impossible.
Maybe we haven’t asked. Maybe we haven’t had the vision. Maybe we haven’t been willing to do what it takes. Maybe we have thought that someone would lose if everyone wins. Maybe there are “powers that be” who think that war will get anyone what they want. It never has. It never will.
When Universal Free Energy comes, that will be the end of war and the return of Christ. Christ is Universal Free Energy for everyone. Isaiah had a glimpse of it when he said “Come, drink, its free.” Rumi saw it also when he said “Come, weary traveler, Come.” Jesus promised it when he said “I announce to you that this day is the day of the Lord, when the blind will see, the hungry will be fed, the prisoners will be set free.” Universal Free Energy is heaven on earth.
Universal Free Energy will become an actuality by 2012 or else. Everyone will recognize this as the millennium come true. Universal Free Energy, like the rain and the sun, will be a gift for all. No one will miss this blessing which will unite mankind. War will cease. There will be no reason for war any more. Universal Free Energy will mean there is nothing to lose, nothing to steal, nothing to fear, nothing to envy, nothing to hate, nothing to kill about.
Join me in this peace movement. We can do it when we realize that is what we all really want.
A Vision of Universal Free Energy
You cannot stop an idea whose time has come . Universal Free Energy is that idea!
We have universal flight. We have universal internet. We have universal communication. We have universal cell-phones. We are just one small step from Universal Free Energy.
Collectively are we ready for the Big One? Universal Free Energy would be the Big One, wouldn’t it?
Universal Free Energy would blow away all of our limited thinking. Conspiracy theories would be dead. Monopolies would be powerless. Wars would be over. What could anyone fight over? Control? Control of what? Control of energy is it. Money is energy. Love is energy. Poverty is the mis-use of energy. War is the most flagrant mis-use of energy. War is the ultimate form of control through fear. Fear of what? Of not enough. The fear of not enough drives the engine of war.
Universal Free Energy would be the end of wars on cancer, illiteracy, disease, poverty, and lethargy. Universal Free Energy would be the end of drug trafficking. Who needs addictions if we have Universal Free Energy? Who needs envy, jealousy, murder, scheming, plotting and planning?
Every health advertisement promises more energy. Every automobile ad stresses less energy costs. Every home is insulated for less energy costs. Every manufacturer is seeking less energy costs and less labor costs by outsourcing overseas.
Immigration problems would cease with Universal Free Energy.
Who would need to beg to come to the United States, and to crawl over the Mexican border on his belly and risk his life to send a little free energy (money) back home?
Who would need to commute 2 to 4 hours to work every day? Who would need to constantly fear his job loss? Who would need to starve himself on a minimum wage or retirement income to pay for heating, electric and gasoline bills? Who would have a problem of harvesting and storing food if we had no energy bills to pay?
What would education look like if the main thing we had to study was how to use our unlimited energy?
Is the universe lacking in energy? Isn’t there enough energy in one atom to run a city for a year? Isn’t it just a question of how to channel our inexhaustible energy? We are running out of oil and natural gas, are we not?
We are shipping what oil and natural gas we have thousands of miles by freighters. Oil cartels control our economy, do they not? We sell our souls for a barrel of oil, do we not? We are whores to the oil cartels, are we not? We lose our integrity for energy, do we not? We cheat, lie and steal in companies like Exxon for control of God’s resources, do we not? We are squandering our beautiful forests, lakes and oceans, all for the cause of energy, do we not?
Is not our global warming problem due to the lack of Universal Free Energy? Couldn’t our scientists solve the global warming problem quite easily if we had Universal Free Energy?
I’m no genius about energy. I am sure there are thousands of scientists trying to figure out this problem, but do they have our help? Can we help? How can we help? Do we have the unlimited power of imagination that we can offer them?
If they need money, can’t we find the money for such research?
We spend a billion dollars a day for war; what if we used that billion to research Universal Free Energy sources?
Shouldn’t the next Democratic or Republican platform for the president be based upon the pursuit of Universal Free Energy instead of how to fix Iraq?
If Iraq is just a symptom of the real problem, what is the real problem? If global warming is just a symptom, what is the real problem? If terrorism is just a symptom, what is the real problem? Is aging, sickness and death are just symptoms, what is the real problem?
I have been arguing that anxiety is a smokescreen for the real problem. Terrorism is a smokescreen for the real problem. Global warming is a smokescreen for the real problem. War is a smokescreen for the real problem.
What then is our real human problem? Our real problem is our ignorant view of God. War, like disease, is the result of our ignorant view of God. Religion has been the cause of every war in history: the religion of greed, the religion of fear, the religion of guilt, the religion of favoritism, the religion of punishment, the religion of ignorance.
Universal Free Energy is what God is. Universal Intelligent Free Unlimited Loving Energy is what God is. Any other view of God is ignorance. Our view of God has been that He or She doesn’t want us to be free, to be powerful, to be happy. Our ignorant view of God is that God is limited, that God is stingy, that God plays favorites, that God punishes. We fear that Universal Free Energy is just what God does not want us to have. We think God is a control freak who does not want to share his power, love and creativity.
Why don’t we take another look? Is God like this or is this just our story? God begins to sound like an overgrown ego.
Universal Free Energy, like the internet, would level the playing field. We would all be on the same page of freedom, power, and peace. There would be nothing to fight for or against. Abundance would reign. There would be no starvation, no threat of loss, no “wolf at the door” theatrics.
I have a dream, said Martin Luther King, Jr. Yes, we all have a dream. That dream is Universal Free Energy. That dream can become a reality if we want it. if one black man can have a dream that revolutionizes racism, and one woman can free women, and one guru can free India of colonialism, what can you and I do? If Einstein can free us from the bonds of scientism, why can’t we also become free of religiousity?
Universal Free Energy is an idea whose time has come. But it can’t be done by one man or one woman or one guru, It has to be a collective choice. We all have to make that choice if we are to be free of victim thinking. Universal Free Energy would be the end of victimization. Are we ready for that Big One?
What buttons of yours does this Big Idea push? Does it sink your boat? Which boat? Why can’t we do it? What are the main inhibitors to this Big One?
1. Universal Free Energy is too good to be true
2. Universal Free Energy is impossible
3. Universal Free Energy is impractical
4. Universal Free Energy is too big a jump, it would upset the world economy
5. Universal Free Energy would turn society inside out
6. Universal Free Energy is a pipe dream
7. Universal Free Energy is not controllable
8. Universal Free Energy is just as a fantasy
9. Universal Free Energy would upset the status quo
Everything on this planet was once a dream. Flight was a dream, television was a dream, computers were a dream. The internet was a dream. Electricity was a dream. Cellphones were a dream. Freedom was a dream. But so are illness, sickness, old age, dying and death…all just dreams. Slavery is a dream. Poverty is a dream. Loneliness is a dream. All that we do is dream. Why not dream Big? Why not dream the impossible dream? Can you honestly tell me that your life is not a dream, either good or bad, that you have created, either knowingly or unknowingly?
Are we ready for a change? A big change? Who says we can’t do it? If it is time for a Big Change, and if the time has come for this Big Idea, why can’t we do it?
Where would we start? Here. When? Now. Who would begin it? You. You and God are a majority. For lack of vision, my people perish!
Who would oppose Universal Free Energy? Only the stupid rich, the egotistical despot, the religious idiot, or the blinded sheep. Isn’t it time that visionaries use their courage and spirituality!
Our little ideas have sometimes worked, why not try the Big One? I would like to see a presidential campaign based upon this idea. Would such a person be elected or booed out of the race? We have to make a Big Step this time or we won’t make it across the chasm we have created.
What is this chasm? Let’s research it. Let’s find out. Let’s call a meeting of sociologists, psychologists, theologians, geologists, weathermen, physicians, economists and think tanks to really ask this question: Is Universal Free Energy possible? Is Universal Free Energy the best path to peace? Who would lead the world in such a project? Can we turn our swords into plowshares? Can we replace the Pentagon with a Peaceagon? Can we turn all of our focus and energy upon Universal Free Energy?
Suppose all of our brilliant generals were to turn their knowledge toward peace. Who else knows the follies of war, killing and pain more than they? Who else know more about how to plan campaigns, strategies and back-up plans? Suppose our commander-in-chief was the director of peace forces, training our young men and women is the art of peace-making? Suppose every effort was made to preserve, conserve and wisely use our planetary resources?
Couldn’t we hold Universal Free Energy worldwide meetings every month? Couldn’t we put at least 49% of our gross national budgets into this process? Couldn’t we lead the world in creative thinking?
Couldn’t we ask every scientist to help do his or her part in tapping the universal source of knowledge and wisdom about this matter? Couldn’t we ask all of our young college students to help? Couldn’t we ask all of our budding young visionaries to take on this challenge?
Many volunteered to become astronauts, why not visionaries for Universal Free Energy? Suppose there were thousands of graduate students writing papers for every science class on Universal Free Energy? Suppose all of our scientific journals and scientific meetings focused their energies on this task? Suppose the media set up a Situation Room on a daily basis to report on the daily progress of this Great Mission? Suppose CNN bent their great resources and creativity to this end for just one year?
Suppose the stock markets paid attention to noteworthy young companies and inventions for Universal Free Energy?
Universal Free Energy would be profitable to everyone equally. That would be its upside and downside. Could our collective ego embrace such a non-egoic goal? Like Free Grace, Free Energy would be a godsend. Can we grow up fast enough to grasp the enormity of Universal Free Energy?
Can anything be done without force? Survival has always been governed by force and that is why it works so slowly and poorly, and at such an enormous cost. We just can’t afford the cost of blind force any longer. We barely have enough time to save and restore this planet’s resources.
Universal Free Energy would save our natural and human resources. It would make possible our continued population growth without ruining our air and water quality. With Universal Free Energy we could quickly restore the quality of our soil as well. Is Universal Free Energy technically possible? I don’t believe it is a technical, social or even political problem, but a spiritual one.
Once our ego blinders are removed, we will see nothing but energy anywhere. To harnass Universal Free Energy would be the least of our problems. Unknown Tesla and Einstein geniuses would undoubtedly bring this unlimited power of God into shared use. Deserts would bloom and the seas would sing. Nature would gladly serve us in unexpected ways.
The Medicine of God and the Power of Love would renew the deepest well-springs of the planet. Even our cities would take on a new glow. Peace itself would be a healing energy for the war-weary and hungry multitudes. The leaves of the tree of life would heal the nations.
The Tree of Life is Universal Free Energy. It is not my goal here to belabor the point. My goal is to express an idea whose time has come. It cannot wait for two or three generations, at best 4 years!
Who would take the lead in this project? You and I. This project is bigger than all of us. Let’s begin with re-diagnosis!
Just how is Iraq, global warming and immigration a spiritual problem? How are these symptoms an expression of our mis-judgment of God? Have we assumed and accused God of disinterest or inability to provide us with Universal Free Energy? Maybe we are the disinterested and the unable.
I am concerned that if we don’t address this as a spiritual problem, we will never solve it. Universal Free Energy shatters our status quo imagination. One man of the right caliber might be able to move ten nations toward the Universal Free Energy gift that God is offering us at this propitious time.
Criticize by creating.
To change war into peace would require the realization that it is easier to destroy than to build. This law defines human capacities and human conditions. Were these such that it would be easier build than to destroy, man would go on unresisted, creating and accumulating without limit. Such conditions are not of this earth. A being which could do this would not be a man: it might be a god.
Nikola Tesla
So we have reached our limits as humans. The Great Reversal from destroying to creating, which would allow man to create without limit, would require a being that is not a man but a god.
We have reached that point in history, that point where we must transcend our manhood, and enter into godhood, if we are to draw forth Universal Free Energy, and create heaven upon earth. May “the will of Infinite Good be done on earth as it is in heaven” is required of us all at this time. It is no more a luxury, or a convenience, but a necessity. Does heaven operate on Universal Free Energy, or do you have to buy gas and pay your electric bill there?
Can we envision a human society where we choose to act like unlimited gods using spiritual power as opposed to limited brutes wielding force? Until we can envision such a society I doubt that the heavenly forces are going to trust us with unlimited power. Would you give a child or a teenager unlimited power? We have already seen what cars and guns can do to irresponsible adolescents, not to mention nuclear power.
There is no doubt in my mind that Universal Free Energy is a real possibility for mankind, but is it a probability? It all depends, doesn’t it!
I hope to see a hundred books and a thousand websites on this subject by the end of 2007!
Carroll J. Wright, Ph.D. and
Feel free to send this article to a friend, to a scientist, to a student, to a senator, to a spiritual seeker, to a newscaster, to someone with an open mind and some get-up-and-go! The internet is free, like this energy we are talking about, so let’s use it!
It is the question implied in every sales pitch in the book. Every huckster in the market place sells his product to fulfill your needs and desires, right? If you don’t already have such a wish or dream, the product will create it for you. The market place creates needs and promises to fulfill them.
Madison Avenue teaches us via the media that we are lacking in some way and that we can become more attractive, happier, healthier, richer, and more influential by following their offering. Ecstasy creates a demand for ecstasy. Super cars create the idea of super driving. Fast foods create the idea of saving time. Super pills create the idea of super health. Super sex creates the idea of super pleasure.
“How to get what you want” implies that you don’t have what you want. You are lacking. You are deprived. You have needs. You have unfulfilled desires. You are set up for codependency. Codependency makes you an easy mark for any sales pitch.
How to get what you want, or how to get rid of what you don’t want. That’s what money and relationships are all about, right? The more we have, the more we want, right? We are sitting ducks. We love it and we hate it.
Money then becomes the #1 way to get what you want. Without money, you cannot get what you want. This is a consumer world. You can’t keep warm, get fed, get a job, get an education, or even have a date without money and a car. And now a cell-phone. Isn’t it wonderful! So many exciting interesting things to want and to experience. Thousands of malls to shop in. Every imaginable product has been invented, with thousands more in the pipeline.
Get an education, get a job, make money, buy stuff and enjoy it, right? Go in style. Look good. Feel good. Get a face lift. Exercise. Do a make-over on your body or your house or your finances. What a marvelous time to live in! Work hard and you can have whatever you want. Isn’t that the American dream that has now overtaken the world?
Then why are we anxious? How could we not be anxious! You may not make it. You may lose it. In fact, it happens every day. Whew! So don’t tell me that it’s infinitely good to live in a world where you may not make it and where you will eventually lose it. You wouldn’t want life to be too predictable, too boring, too repeatable, would you?
If you had the power to invent the world of your choice, what would it be like? How would it be different from what you see now? Invent a perfect world. Give it a try. See what you can do. It’s what you are already doing anyway. Everyone is trying to invent a better mousetrap and make a better world. A fool-proof world. A failure-proof world. Every world-maker has his or her own ideas about paradise. God did a pretty lousy job of it. We could do better, right?
So give it a conscious try. Make it a better world. Do it right this time. Fix it. Improve it. That is our challenge, to get what we want. An anxiety-proof world. Go for it. I am absolutely sure that God is sitting in the bleachers cheering you on: “Go, team!”
Who says you can’t discover an infinite source of energy for every car and home on the globe. That would end all wars tomorrow, wouldn’t it? Most of the wars are over oil anyway. Nicola Tesla almost got the job done, but got cut out of the loop. Wilhelm Reich came in for a close second.
Surely there is another genius in the wings just waiting for a world that is ready to take the next step forward in evolution. Are we ready for paradise on earth? We can at least envision it, can’t we? What if you had an inexhaustible source of free energy in your house and car? Is that impossible? I believe we can do it. Surely if we can imagine it, we can do it. “Let there be light” worked once before, maybe it can work again. Yes, I’m a dreamer! We are all dreamers, so let’s dream big!
An inexhaustible source of free energy in every home and car. Is that so impossible? The sun is such a source. The stars are such sources. Galaxies are such sources. If I am the light of the world, am I not such a source also?
I want an inexhaustible source of free energy for every home and car on the globe. I am imagining that to be true. I am imagining that as our next step forward in human evolution. Anxiety tells me that if I can just tune into the Infinite Good, we can have what we want. Don’t you want an inexhaustible source of free energy in every home, car, school and business? Sure you do. Then why can’t we begin a collective imagination project to that effect! If all things are possible, why isn’t this one possible? This would be the shortest path to universal peace.
So why can’t we collectively imagine a path to peace by asking for what we want. God is free energy, isn’t He? Isn’t She? So how do we hook up with God-energy? If God-energy is the Infinite Good, and imagination is the route to manifestation, why don’t we ask for peace in this manner?
Let’s do a global manifestation event for peace! Free Energy for Everyone. Why not? Who says we can’t do that? If all things are possible with God, why can’t we just go all the way and ask for what we collectively want? Is God going to withhold Free Energy for Everyone? Why on earth would He do that? Would you give stones to your kids for breakfast?
Is Free Energy for Everyone an impossible dream, an impossible mission? Who can say what is possible and impossible? My God loves a challenge. My God is not afraid to tackle the impossible. My God specializes in the Impossible. My God promises to deliver the Impossible.
Maybe we haven’t asked. Maybe we haven’t had the vision. Maybe we haven’t been willing to do what it takes. Maybe we have thought that someone would lose if everyone wins. Maybe there are “powers that be” who think that war will get anyone what they want. It never has. It never will.
When Universal Free Energy comes, that will be the end of war and the return of Christ. Christ is Universal Free Energy for everyone. Isaiah had a glimpse of it when he said “Come, drink, its free.” Rumi saw it also when he said “Come, weary traveler, Come.” Jesus promised it when he said “I announce to you that this day is the day of the Lord, when the blind will see, the hungry will be fed, the prisoners will be set free.” Universal Free Energy is heaven on earth.
Universal Free Energy will become an actuality by 2012 or else. Everyone will recognize this as the millennium come true. Universal Free Energy, like the rain and the sun, will be a gift for all. No one will miss this blessing which will unite mankind. War will cease. There will be no reason for war any more. Universal Free Energy will mean there is nothing to lose, nothing to steal, nothing to fear, nothing to envy, nothing to hate, nothing to kill about.
Join me in this peace movement. We can do it when we realize that is what we all really want.
A Vision of Universal Free Energy
You cannot stop an idea whose time has come . Universal Free Energy is that idea!
We have universal flight. We have universal internet. We have universal communication. We have universal cell-phones. We are just one small step from Universal Free Energy.
Collectively are we ready for the Big One? Universal Free Energy would be the Big One, wouldn’t it?
Universal Free Energy would blow away all of our limited thinking. Conspiracy theories would be dead. Monopolies would be powerless. Wars would be over. What could anyone fight over? Control? Control of what? Control of energy is it. Money is energy. Love is energy. Poverty is the mis-use of energy. War is the most flagrant mis-use of energy. War is the ultimate form of control through fear. Fear of what? Of not enough. The fear of not enough drives the engine of war.
Universal Free Energy would be the end of wars on cancer, illiteracy, disease, poverty, and lethargy. Universal Free Energy would be the end of drug trafficking. Who needs addictions if we have Universal Free Energy? Who needs envy, jealousy, murder, scheming, plotting and planning?
Every health advertisement promises more energy. Every automobile ad stresses less energy costs. Every home is insulated for less energy costs. Every manufacturer is seeking less energy costs and less labor costs by outsourcing overseas.
Immigration problems would cease with Universal Free Energy.
Who would need to beg to come to the United States, and to crawl over the Mexican border on his belly and risk his life to send a little free energy (money) back home?
Who would need to commute 2 to 4 hours to work every day? Who would need to constantly fear his job loss? Who would need to starve himself on a minimum wage or retirement income to pay for heating, electric and gasoline bills? Who would have a problem of harvesting and storing food if we had no energy bills to pay?
What would education look like if the main thing we had to study was how to use our unlimited energy?
Is the universe lacking in energy? Isn’t there enough energy in one atom to run a city for a year? Isn’t it just a question of how to channel our inexhaustible energy? We are running out of oil and natural gas, are we not?
We are shipping what oil and natural gas we have thousands of miles by freighters. Oil cartels control our economy, do they not? We sell our souls for a barrel of oil, do we not? We are whores to the oil cartels, are we not? We lose our integrity for energy, do we not? We cheat, lie and steal in companies like Exxon for control of God’s resources, do we not? We are squandering our beautiful forests, lakes and oceans, all for the cause of energy, do we not?
Is not our global warming problem due to the lack of Universal Free Energy? Couldn’t our scientists solve the global warming problem quite easily if we had Universal Free Energy?
I’m no genius about energy. I am sure there are thousands of scientists trying to figure out this problem, but do they have our help? Can we help? How can we help? Do we have the unlimited power of imagination that we can offer them?
If they need money, can’t we find the money for such research?
We spend a billion dollars a day for war; what if we used that billion to research Universal Free Energy sources?
Shouldn’t the next Democratic or Republican platform for the president be based upon the pursuit of Universal Free Energy instead of how to fix Iraq?
If Iraq is just a symptom of the real problem, what is the real problem? If global warming is just a symptom, what is the real problem? If terrorism is just a symptom, what is the real problem? Is aging, sickness and death are just symptoms, what is the real problem?
I have been arguing that anxiety is a smokescreen for the real problem. Terrorism is a smokescreen for the real problem. Global warming is a smokescreen for the real problem. War is a smokescreen for the real problem.
What then is our real human problem? Our real problem is our ignorant view of God. War, like disease, is the result of our ignorant view of God. Religion has been the cause of every war in history: the religion of greed, the religion of fear, the religion of guilt, the religion of favoritism, the religion of punishment, the religion of ignorance.
Universal Free Energy is what God is. Universal Intelligent Free Unlimited Loving Energy is what God is. Any other view of God is ignorance. Our view of God has been that He or She doesn’t want us to be free, to be powerful, to be happy. Our ignorant view of God is that God is limited, that God is stingy, that God plays favorites, that God punishes. We fear that Universal Free Energy is just what God does not want us to have. We think God is a control freak who does not want to share his power, love and creativity.
Why don’t we take another look? Is God like this or is this just our story? God begins to sound like an overgrown ego.
Universal Free Energy, like the internet, would level the playing field. We would all be on the same page of freedom, power, and peace. There would be nothing to fight for or against. Abundance would reign. There would be no starvation, no threat of loss, no “wolf at the door” theatrics.
I have a dream, said Martin Luther King, Jr. Yes, we all have a dream. That dream is Universal Free Energy. That dream can become a reality if we want it. if one black man can have a dream that revolutionizes racism, and one woman can free women, and one guru can free India of colonialism, what can you and I do? If Einstein can free us from the bonds of scientism, why can’t we also become free of religiousity?
Universal Free Energy is an idea whose time has come. But it can’t be done by one man or one woman or one guru, It has to be a collective choice. We all have to make that choice if we are to be free of victim thinking. Universal Free Energy would be the end of victimization. Are we ready for that Big One?
What buttons of yours does this Big Idea push? Does it sink your boat? Which boat? Why can’t we do it? What are the main inhibitors to this Big One?
1. Universal Free Energy is too good to be true
2. Universal Free Energy is impossible
3. Universal Free Energy is impractical
4. Universal Free Energy is too big a jump, it would upset the world economy
5. Universal Free Energy would turn society inside out
6. Universal Free Energy is a pipe dream
7. Universal Free Energy is not controllable
8. Universal Free Energy is just as a fantasy
9. Universal Free Energy would upset the status quo
Everything on this planet was once a dream. Flight was a dream, television was a dream, computers were a dream. The internet was a dream. Electricity was a dream. Cellphones were a dream. Freedom was a dream. But so are illness, sickness, old age, dying and death…all just dreams. Slavery is a dream. Poverty is a dream. Loneliness is a dream. All that we do is dream. Why not dream Big? Why not dream the impossible dream? Can you honestly tell me that your life is not a dream, either good or bad, that you have created, either knowingly or unknowingly?
Are we ready for a change? A big change? Who says we can’t do it? If it is time for a Big Change, and if the time has come for this Big Idea, why can’t we do it?
Where would we start? Here. When? Now. Who would begin it? You. You and God are a majority. For lack of vision, my people perish!
Who would oppose Universal Free Energy? Only the stupid rich, the egotistical despot, the religious idiot, or the blinded sheep. Isn’t it time that visionaries use their courage and spirituality!
Our little ideas have sometimes worked, why not try the Big One? I would like to see a presidential campaign based upon this idea. Would such a person be elected or booed out of the race? We have to make a Big Step this time or we won’t make it across the chasm we have created.
What is this chasm? Let’s research it. Let’s find out. Let’s call a meeting of sociologists, psychologists, theologians, geologists, weathermen, physicians, economists and think tanks to really ask this question: Is Universal Free Energy possible? Is Universal Free Energy the best path to peace? Who would lead the world in such a project? Can we turn our swords into plowshares? Can we replace the Pentagon with a Peaceagon? Can we turn all of our focus and energy upon Universal Free Energy?
Suppose all of our brilliant generals were to turn their knowledge toward peace. Who else knows the follies of war, killing and pain more than they? Who else know more about how to plan campaigns, strategies and back-up plans? Suppose our commander-in-chief was the director of peace forces, training our young men and women is the art of peace-making? Suppose every effort was made to preserve, conserve and wisely use our planetary resources?
Couldn’t we hold Universal Free Energy worldwide meetings every month? Couldn’t we put at least 49% of our gross national budgets into this process? Couldn’t we lead the world in creative thinking?
Couldn’t we ask every scientist to help do his or her part in tapping the universal source of knowledge and wisdom about this matter? Couldn’t we ask all of our young college students to help? Couldn’t we ask all of our budding young visionaries to take on this challenge?
Many volunteered to become astronauts, why not visionaries for Universal Free Energy? Suppose there were thousands of graduate students writing papers for every science class on Universal Free Energy? Suppose all of our scientific journals and scientific meetings focused their energies on this task? Suppose the media set up a Situation Room on a daily basis to report on the daily progress of this Great Mission? Suppose CNN bent their great resources and creativity to this end for just one year?
Suppose the stock markets paid attention to noteworthy young companies and inventions for Universal Free Energy?
Universal Free Energy would be profitable to everyone equally. That would be its upside and downside. Could our collective ego embrace such a non-egoic goal? Like Free Grace, Free Energy would be a godsend. Can we grow up fast enough to grasp the enormity of Universal Free Energy?
Can anything be done without force? Survival has always been governed by force and that is why it works so slowly and poorly, and at such an enormous cost. We just can’t afford the cost of blind force any longer. We barely have enough time to save and restore this planet’s resources.
Universal Free Energy would save our natural and human resources. It would make possible our continued population growth without ruining our air and water quality. With Universal Free Energy we could quickly restore the quality of our soil as well. Is Universal Free Energy technically possible? I don’t believe it is a technical, social or even political problem, but a spiritual one.
Once our ego blinders are removed, we will see nothing but energy anywhere. To harnass Universal Free Energy would be the least of our problems. Unknown Tesla and Einstein geniuses would undoubtedly bring this unlimited power of God into shared use. Deserts would bloom and the seas would sing. Nature would gladly serve us in unexpected ways.
The Medicine of God and the Power of Love would renew the deepest well-springs of the planet. Even our cities would take on a new glow. Peace itself would be a healing energy for the war-weary and hungry multitudes. The leaves of the tree of life would heal the nations.
The Tree of Life is Universal Free Energy. It is not my goal here to belabor the point. My goal is to express an idea whose time has come. It cannot wait for two or three generations, at best 4 years!
Who would take the lead in this project? You and I. This project is bigger than all of us. Let’s begin with re-diagnosis!
Just how is Iraq, global warming and immigration a spiritual problem? How are these symptoms an expression of our mis-judgment of God? Have we assumed and accused God of disinterest or inability to provide us with Universal Free Energy? Maybe we are the disinterested and the unable.
I am concerned that if we don’t address this as a spiritual problem, we will never solve it. Universal Free Energy shatters our status quo imagination. One man of the right caliber might be able to move ten nations toward the Universal Free Energy gift that God is offering us at this propitious time.
Criticize by creating.
To change war into peace would require the realization that it is easier to destroy than to build. This law defines human capacities and human conditions. Were these such that it would be easier build than to destroy, man would go on unresisted, creating and accumulating without limit. Such conditions are not of this earth. A being which could do this would not be a man: it might be a god.
Nikola Tesla
So we have reached our limits as humans. The Great Reversal from destroying to creating, which would allow man to create without limit, would require a being that is not a man but a god.
We have reached that point in history, that point where we must transcend our manhood, and enter into godhood, if we are to draw forth Universal Free Energy, and create heaven upon earth. May “the will of Infinite Good be done on earth as it is in heaven” is required of us all at this time. It is no more a luxury, or a convenience, but a necessity. Does heaven operate on Universal Free Energy, or do you have to buy gas and pay your electric bill there?
Can we envision a human society where we choose to act like unlimited gods using spiritual power as opposed to limited brutes wielding force? Until we can envision such a society I doubt that the heavenly forces are going to trust us with unlimited power. Would you give a child or a teenager unlimited power? We have already seen what cars and guns can do to irresponsible adolescents, not to mention nuclear power.
There is no doubt in my mind that Universal Free Energy is a real possibility for mankind, but is it a probability? It all depends, doesn’t it!
I hope to see a hundred books and a thousand websites on this subject by the end of 2007!
Carroll J. Wright, Ph.D. and
Feel free to send this article to a friend, to a scientist, to a student, to a senator, to a spiritual seeker, to a newscaster, to someone with an open mind and some get-up-and-go! The internet is free, like this energy we are talking about, so let’s use it!
superb article......but those who rule the world now have always fought and eliminated those who stumbled onto free energy devices.....evidence energy is already here for a long time....many inventors have discovered it....only a huge paradigm shift can help us now to further the free energy agenda....
But as always, we need wars and suffering to wake up....alas....I do hope we wake up before the BIG WAR and total take over of`s our last chance...
In the end I`m confident that we WILL make that final quantum leap....
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